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Phaco Surgery
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our eyecare expert
MICS- 2.2 mm micro incision cataract surgery which is latest in PHACO
NO PATCH, NO SHOT, NO PAIN Topical anaesthesia cataract surgery
Premium Multifocal lens implantation for removal of distance and near error in cataract surgery
Premium Toric lens implantation for removal of cylinder error in cataract surgery
Premium Aspheric ( Antiglare) lens implantation in cataract surgery
Perfect lens calculation/ measurement by immersion technology
Releasable suture trabeculectomy for better outcome of Glaucoma surgery
Retinal detachment repair.
25G Sutureless vitrectomy surgery for retinal diseases.
LASER photocoagulation for diabetic and hypertensive retinopathy
I/V Avastin ,Macugen for Age related macular degeneration
FFA, OCT for diagnosis of retinal diseases
Presbyopic glass removal(RLE) Surgery
‘OPTILASIK’ for spectacle glass and contact lens removal
Contact lens prescription
Yag capsulotomy for PCO
Applanation tonometry